Life Changes
The 'Life Changes' with Adventure Solos podcast talks you through some of those times in life when things are changing. We discuss topics such as how to build supportive friendship groups, why it's important to talk to people other than just your partner, dealing positively with relationship or life changes and adopting those everyday nudges that help you to stay healthy. We're here to help you find yourself and to lead a happy, healthy and well connected life.
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Life Changes
EP013 - From City Broker to rediscovering values and building balance (with Nik Bunney)
Nick found himself struggling to reconcile his personal identity and life expectations as he navigated a future shaped by disparate influences from his parents and societal expectations. Pursuing an unfulfilling career in the city broker and witnessing his wife's grief as she lost her mother led to a significant crossroads and awakening for Nick.
After exploring works of philosophy and self-help, Nick undertook a profound self-analysis and decided to leave his job and take nine months off to reassess his values and priorities. This led him to write his book "ABCD" oriented around an A-B-C-D framework—authenticity, balance, consistency, and discipline—to help individuals anchor their lives in authentic values, establish balance, maintain consistency in their actions, and practice discipline.
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